Lost Hope

When did we lose hope? 

Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Emma [Apricot] [using Slink Hands & Feet Apricot Appliers] [@ Suicide DollzNEW!!!
Body: SLINK - Physique Mesh Body
Hands: SLINK - AvEnhance Hands Casual
Feet: SLINK - AvEnhance Feet High
Hair: *Dura* Anime 02 [Black]
Tattoo: **UrbanStreet Store** Silence Tattoo [8 - Rare] [@ Luck of The Irish GACHA FairNEW!!!
Wings: Evermore - Tenshi no Tsubasa [Black] 
Bodysuit: The Bishes Inc - Hazel [Black] NEW!!!
Boots: #EMPIRE - Freesia [@ Whore Couture 5] 
Pose: Label Motion - The Bright Side Poses 


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