Frozen Heart

No matter what - even if you have a frozen heart - there's something that can spark the innter flame

Skin: E. Vary - Nadia Skin [Pale] NEW!!!
Body: SLINK - Physique Mesh Body
Hands: SLINK - AvEnhance Hands Casual
Feet: SLINK - AvEnhance Feet [Kitten]
Head: CATWA head - Skye
Hair: *Besom~ North [Blacks] [@ Tannenbaum]
Top: Chemical Princess - Mini Top with Pubic [@ Suicide DollzNEW!!! 
Pasties: Chemical Princess - Mental Pasties [@ Bodyfy EventNEW!!!
Tattoo: PMS - Fuck This World Tattoo [Unisex] [Today @ Bodyfy EventNEW!!!
Skirt: .WINGED. Jennie Jeans Skirt [Black] 
Garters: Chemical Princess - Suicide Garters NEW!!!
Shoes: Phedora -  Silvy Slink Kitten [@ The Chapter Four] 
Pose: Label Motion - Brenda Poses  

Location: Maison de L'amitie


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