Howling Moon

The moon is her guide

Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Wednesday [Apricot - Mild] [This is the new body skin tones. This omega applier is for face, torso, legs, hands and feet. You can find Full, Reg, Mild & Spots options for every tone of skin] [On the 10th @ Skin Fair 2017] NEW!!! 
Body: Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body 
Head: CATWA head - Skye
Eyes: Suicidal Unborn - Yuna Eyes [Aqua] 
Hair: Stealthic - Cadence [on the 10th @ Hairology] NEW!!!  
Bindi: Oubliette - Crescent Moon & Star Bindi [Gift @ Totally Top Shelf] NEW!!!  
Dress: Oubliette - Morgana Dress [Onyx] [@ Totally Top Shelf] NEW!!!  
Nails: Dark Passions - Koffin Nails - Moon Magic [@ Totally Top Shelf] NEW!!!  
Tattoo: .Façade. The Wanderer [@ Buy Now Event] NEW!!!  
Boots: .:KC:.. Uma Boots [for Slink, Maitreya & Belleza] NEW!!! 
Pose: Label Motion - Rene Poses 


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