Rustic Retreat

Enjoying some time off at the rustic retreat 

Skin: Glam Affair - Aurelia Catwa Applier [Polar]
Body: Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body 4.0 UPDATED TO BENTO!!!
Head: CATWA head - Kori
Hair: [Mello] Anywhere Hair [@ Project Se7en] One of the latest releases!!!
Dress: Oubliette - Vindra Harness Dress [Webs] [@ Suicide DollzNEW!!!
Anklet Set: The Little Bat - Coffin Anklets [@ The Darkness Monthly EventNEW!!!
Heels: The Little Bat - Kathryn Heels [@ Suicide DollzNEW!!!
Pose: Label Motion - Lindsey Poses


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