Fall Apart

She wonders what to do when everything falls apart

Skin: Sinful Needs - Lilith Reborn [Radiant] NEW!!!
Body: Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body 
Head: CATWA head - Catya 
Hair: .Olive. The Nami Hair [Naturals] 
Vest: DE Designs - Kara Vest [@ 4Mesh] NEW!!!
Gloves: [[Masoom]] - Ruby Bento gloves [@ eBENTONEW!!! 
Nails: ::SlackGirl:: Teia Mesh Nails [for Slink, Maitreya, Vista and Tuty Hands] [@ eBENTONEW!!! 
Skirt: .:::G.ID:::. Lethia Skirt Latest Release!!!
Tights: .:::G.ID:::. Piper Fishnets [@ AppliquéNEW!!!
Boots: FashionNatic - Sindra Boots 
Pose: Serendipity Poses - Diana


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