Midnight Swim
Enjoying a midnight swim
Skin: [MUDSKIN]- Sulli# MAKEUP SKIN 7 [102]
Body: Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
Head: LeLutka - SIMONE 3.0 Bento Head
Hair: *Besom~ Summer Luv [Galaxy] [@ Uber] NEW!!!
Sunglasses: .::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations::. Mako Sunglasses
Bikini: [QE] Adelaide Bikini NEW!!!
Tattoo: Apocalyptic Tattoo - Be the exception of roses [@ Uber] NEW!!!
Nails: e.marie - Boho Bliss Set
Bangles: ::OOPS:: Voronoi Bangles NEW!!!
Heels: [QE] Avery Ultra Plats NEW!!!
Pose: GingerFish Poses - Midnight [@ Pose Fair]
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