Wicked Cravings

 Sometimes she allows herself to give in her wicked cravings

Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Diva [Lights] [using Marshmellow Tone] NEW!!! 
Body: Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body 
Head: LeLUTKA - Lake Head 
Hair: Unorthodox - Ziggy Hair
Full Face makeup: ::SlackGirl:: BOM Aracno [@ Mad CircusNEW!!! 
Outfit: [AdN] Psycho 
Body Tattoo: RedFish - Tragedy tattoo 
Heels: Phedora - Poppi Heels 
Pose: FOXCITY. - Decayed Bento Pose Set [@ Uber]
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Dark Feelings [Damn Jalowin - RARE] [@ Men Only MonthlyNEW!!!


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