Complex Beauty

Inner beauty can be quite complex 

Skin: GOREGLAM - Gyuri [Albina+] [Boatoam body appliers] [@ Skin Fair]

Body: Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body    

Head: LeLUTKA - Lilly Head 2.5

Hair: Doe - Saturna [@ The ArcadeNEW!!!

Eyeshadow: ::SlackGirl:: LeL Evolution Shad 97 [@ Orsy Event] NEW!!!

Outfit: Have Unequal - Ekala Outfit [@ Whore Couture Fair]  

Tattoo: Arabic Tattoos - The Beauty of the East [on the 18th @ Sense EventNEW!!!

Pose: Vanity Poses - Nena Bento [@ Pose Fair

Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - The Inception Red GIFT!!!


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