Tooth & Nail


Fighting tooth and nail to hold onto their place

Skin: .MILA. Darcy Skin [@ NightShade] NEW!!!

Body: eBODY - Reborn 

Head: LeLUTKA - Avalon Head  

Eyeliner: EXO Store - Spooky Eyeliner [@ Tokyo ZeroNEW!!!

Hoodie: Diaboli Design - Hoodzilla [@ Tokyo ZeroNEW!!!

Tattoo: .:CORAZON:. Buffy

Sword: [TANAKA x TREVOR] - Executor Blade 

Are you ready to stand your ground ? Check this video to see what this blade can do. Besides hud colour, combo animations, idle poses, animations, flame & lightening and yokai mask accessory, you can find 3 special skills in fatpack :)

Leggings: Skoll - Oblivion Pants 

Boots: Atrophia - Storm Boots 


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