Bad day

She can't explain what she's feeling... It seems as if there's no more hope... She reflects on what has been and what could have been and sighs.

Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Niani Milk skin CL 
Shape: [BELISSIMA]  Sula Shape
Eyes:  .::WoW Skins: bluemarine eyes (from Tori Tan combo pack)
Eyeliner: ::Enchanted Ink::  [Glamorous Eyeliner] -full- thin (@ Soundsation Fashion Event)
Lipstick:  ::Enchanted Ink:: [Kiss Kiss] - Beauty pink (@ Soundsation Fashion Event)
Hair: eXxEsS - Perperuna (Candy)
Outfit: >>>Poison<<<  Pioja outfit (great color combinations with hud <3)
Boots: \m/LAVAROCK CREATIONS \m/  Hotrod Unisex boots
Pose: F*cking Ninjas - Bad day pose


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