Shining in the moonlight

Taking a deep breath, she takes a step forward and enters with her head high through the magestic doors that will lead her to the ballroom... She's nervous and wonders if he'll be there...

Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Niani Milk skin CL 
Shape: [BELISSIMA]  Hilary Shape
Eyes:  .::WoW Skins: bluemarine eyes (from Tori Tan combo pack)
Eyeliner: ::Enchanted Ink::  [Glamorous Eyeliner] -full- thin (@ Soundsation Fashion Event)
Lipstick:  ::Enchanted Ink:: [Kiss Kiss] - Beauty pink (@ Soundsation Fashion Event)
Hair: eXxEsS - Katiusha (white)
Dress: *Asteria Creations*  Neige Mini Dress (black glitter)
Feet: SLINK - Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
Shoes: DRD - Whore heels (black) (@ WCF3) 
Pose: VESTIGE - Stacey (pose 6)


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