Kawaii Chobii
She tilts her head as her eyes roam around the place... A soft smile appears and she skips a bit as she feels a new adventure is going to start...
Skin: .:Panda Punx:. Brooke [@ Cosmopolitan Sales Room] NEW!!!
Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Taura hair
Ears: :.Envious.: Chobits Ears NEW!!!
Dress: DE Designs - Morgan - black NEW!!!
Hand chains: :DEADPOOL: Samira Grimm Bat Hand Chains NEW!!!
Nails: Dark Passions - Koffin Nails - Timeless
Boots: Bandlora - Santos Mesh Boot High Feet Black [@ Fresh Style] NEW!!!
Pose: [malcheese] Girlstand POSE Set 31~40 (poses 33 & 31)
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