Sensible Mireia

Though somewhat sensitive, Mireia has always been the sensible one in the family... She doesn't do anything without being totally sure of it...

Left Outfit

Skin & Shape: .:Panda Punx:.  Tilly - bashfull Milky skin [@ Cosmopolitan Sales Room]  NEW!!!
Hair: +Spellbound+ Toothbrush 
Dress: .:Vitrimi:. Dress & Vest Black/Brown NEW!!!
Shoes:  Unborn Soul - Mule shoes - black NEW!!!
Pose: Label Motion - Mireia (pose 2)

Right Outfit 

Skin & Shape: .:Panda Punx:.  Tilly - bashfull Milky skin  [@ Cosmopolitan Sales Room]  NEW!!!
Hair: +Spellbound+ Toothbrush 
Dress: .:Vitrimi:. Buttoned Dress Black/White NEW!!!
Shoes:  Unborn Soul - Mule shoes - black NEW!!!
Pose: Label Motion - Mireia (pose 3)


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