Forest Elf

She walks alone through the forest to find something amiss... She takes a deep breath and sighs softly. Mother nature at its best... Pity there are some creatures that try to disturb its peace... She touches her staff and her face hardens at the thought... "I won't let them"

Skin:  ~Alchemy~ Elfin Skin V2 ~ Female (it comes with the cute ears :3)
Shape: [BELISSIMA] Rosana Shape
Eyes:  +8DESIGNE+  Andrea eyes
Hair:  /Wasabi Pills/ Monique Mesh Hair (blonds pack)
Outfit: [FD]  Elf - green ( it consists of jacket+bodice+pants+boots)
Staff: E v o  - Shiro/Kuro Purification Staff (scripted + non-scripted) 
[can be found @ Final Fantasy Fair <3]


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