Viking girl

She's at her village, walking around, waiting for the warriors to come back home. No matter what... she'll defend her home from whoever dares to attack it...

Skin:  [HUSH]  Holiday Skin - Shiver (group gift!!)
Shape:  [BELISSIMA]  Bessie Shape
Eyeliner:  (RS) eye liner nr3
Tattoo:  *Tentacio*  Tribal face  
Hair:  TRUTH HAIR - Melita (black & whites)
Outfit: -=Sweet Lies Designs=- Moira Outfit 
(it comes with boots, hood& shawl plus you have 3 colors to choose from <3)
Poses:  VESTIGE -  Lily (poses 3, 7 & 8)
Axe: *HA* battle axe (you can find it @ marketplace!!)


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